Downloading using wget via a proxy server

Sadly i am unable to update fedora 9 via the proxy server in our college and hence am still stuck using Firefox 3 Beta 5. I had some problems saving the pdf files once they opened in evince in the web browser and hence decided to use wget for the downloads.

Downloading using wget :

//First set the http_proxy variable to the necessary address

export http_proxy=’http://ur.proxy.server:port’

//and then in the wget command line execute with an option –proxy=on

wget –proxy=on http://whatuwant

u can use other options as –proxy-user and –proxy-password for password protected proxies

u can switch of the proxy with –proxy=off

Jai Gurudev

EDIT: Once this proxy variable is set all your apps which require proxy server settings can run from the CLI. After this i was able to update my system via yum after doing a bit moving…. Theres a GUI too for this .

In Fedora : Places => Preferences => Network .