My Math Clock

Absolutely arbit post ….. I am doing an intern in Zeus Numerix in Pune again this summer and am working on some really interesting stuff . All throughout the day I am generally in front of the PC studying ebooks and writing in C/C++. A change would have been kinda nice …  I decided to make a clock except that all the numbers would be represented by their mathematical significance …..(Just to get some experience on woodwork ,etc. ….. 😛 ) I got the mechanism for the clock from a local watch maker . For the base I decided to use  wood from an old unwanted cupboard . A hacksaw , hammer were good enough to cut a piece approximately 18cm x 14cm x 1cm . To drill a hole so that the mechanism could be put in place I visited our electrician . To smoothen the surfaces I used a sand paper lying around my house .For the layout of the clock i.e. the numbers etc. I used Scribus along with \LaTeX .

Finally the layout or background looked like this ….. I did also add a t denoting for the time variable …. 😉


I referred to Wikipedia for the significance of the numbers …..

\sqrt[3]{1728} = 12 —- I choose 1728 coz its 1 less than 1729 . The smallest number to represented as a sum of 2 cubes .

0! = 1 —- Coz 0! = 1 ….

\left ( 0010\right )_{10} —- 0010 in base 10 is 2 .

FermatPrime\left[ 0\right ] = 3 —- 3 is the first Fermat Prime . All numbers satisfying F_{n} = 2^{2^{ \overset{n} {}}} + 1

2 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 2 = 4 —- thats the way 4 represented in Knuth’s Up Arrow Notation .

\left ( 2\varphi - 1 \right )^2 = 5 —- where \varphi is the golden ratio \varphi = \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}

\mid S_{3} \mid = 6 —- 6 is the cardinality of the smallest non-abelian group .

M_{3} = 7  —- 7 is the 3 Mersenne Prime .

F_{6} = 8 —- 8 is the 6th Fibonacci Number .

3^{2^{1}} = 9 —- 9 is an exponential factorial .

\left ( 1010\right )_2 = 10 —- 1010 in binary is 10 in decimal (base 10)

\frac{\Phi_2(10)}{\gcd(\Phi_2(10),2)} = 11^{c} , {c} \in \mathbb{N} —- 11 is the second unique prime….

Finally, after the assembly it looked like this ……


a better pic sometime sooner …..


Found these while stumblingupon again……Maybe chaat for some….;)

Q: What does the Little Mermaid wear to math class?
A: An algebra.

Q: What is the shape of a dead parrot?
A: A polygon.

Q: Why did the mathematician-dentist name is son Pi?
A: Because everyone knows pi is transcendental.

Q: What’s the difference between a PhD in Mathematics and a large pizza.
A: The pizza can feed a family of four.

=>  Math problems? Call 1-800-[4-x(2 pi)2]-sin(b)/xy.

Theorem: A cat has nine tails. Proof: No cat has eight tails. A cat has one more tail than no cat. Therefore, a cat has 8+1=9 tails. QED.

The ark lands after the Flood. Noah lets all the animals out, saying, “Go and multiply.” Several months pass. Noah decides to check up on the animals. All are doing fine except a pair of snakes. “What’s the problem?” asks Noah. “Cut down some trees and let us live there,” say the snakes. Noah follows their advice. Several more weeks pass. Noah checks on the snakes again. Lots of little snakes crawl over the earth, and everybody is happy. Perplexed, Noah asks, “Want to tell me how the trees helped?” “Certainly,” say the snakes. “We’re adders, and we need logs to multiply.”

You know you’re a mathematician if you’ve ever wondered how Euler pronounced Euclid.