Breaking spaghetti in two pieces.

Try this out.Take uncooked spaghetti and bend it until it cracks.How many pieces do you expect? 2. Richard Feynman showed by breaking a lot pasta that uncooked spaghetti will rarely break into two pieces.It can break into three , seven or ten pieces.

French physicists Dr Basile Audoly and Dr Sébastien Neukirch say the answer is related to waves of vibration that pass through the pasta when dry spaghetti is bent and suddenly released at one end.

And don’t think this is a minor discovery: the researchers think their findings can be applied to civil engineering to make structures like buildings and bridges more stable.

After taking high-speed images of the broken spaghetti, they applied the Kirchhoff equation, an equation that relates to how waves travel through an object that’s put under stress. The researchers conclude that spaghetti fragmentation is caused by a burst of flexural, or elastic, waves that travel along the spaghetti after the initial break.

And they added that this “physical process of fragmentation is relevant to many areas of science and technology,” a fact confirmed by Rod Cross, a professor of physics at the University of Sydney, Australia.

“If you can understand how spaghetti breaks you can understand how anything else breaks including a building an aeroplane or a car,” he says. “Under impact they’ll all vibrate and break. More to the point it can be a human leg, because if you whack a human leg it’ll probably break in three or four bits as well for the same reason.”